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Umbilicals International UDA0104 4-Part Twisted Umbilical (Air Hose, Pneumo Hose, Communication Wire, Hot Water Hose)

SKU: UDA0104

The Umbilicals International UDA0104 4-Part twisted umbilical are ideal for surface supplied diving. The “rope-like” twisted umbilical consist of 3/8″ Aquaflow Breathing Hose, 1/4″ Pneumo Hose, communication cable, and 1/2″ hot water hose. Bay-Tech offers the UDA0104 in custom lengths with crimp on fittings that are crimped in house! All umbilicals come serialized, tested, and certified.

Download our UDA104 umbilical design form here!

Please call us at 1-504-328-6456 or email us at sales@baytechrentals.com if you have any questions regarding the umbilical design form!

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