Saturation Control Panel
The Saturation Control Panel functions as a control and monitoring station for equipment and machinery relating to the diving system, particularly to the SAT chambers and its ancillary equipment.
The control panel is equipped with:
- Depth gauges
- Control valves
- Pressure regulators
- Flow-meters
- Gas analysers
- Camera monitors
- Communications
- Scrubber control
- Lighting control
- Temperature and humidity control
- Video recorder
LexMar complies with the rules of classification societies by ensuring that the requirements stipulated are designed into our control systems.
The panels are built in a modular design to comply with customer requirements and can be used in either fixed or portable installations.
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Standard Unit Specifications
- Power: 220 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.2 KW
- Gas Supply: HeO2 and Oxygen
- Max Outlet Working Pressure: 435 PSI
- Max Inlet Supply Pressure: 3625 PSI
- Powder Coated Steel Construction
- Classification: IMCA, ABS, DNV Compliant
Weight & Dimensions (approx.):
- Length: 50”
- Width: 36”
- Height: 77”